The Queer Christmas Party at Iðnó, December 13 2008 with Friðrik Ómar performing.
Gayice photo and video galleries
Halloween Party 2008
Halloween Party November 1st 2008 at Club Tunglið.
Event organized by the National Queer Organisation, Samtökin '78.
Bears on Ice 2008 - Day 3 and 4 - Dance party - Farewell brunch
Bears on Ice 2008 Day 3 and 4 - Dance party - Farewell brunch
Pictures by Páll Guðjónsson & Mitchell Winn
Bears on Ice 2008 - Day 2 Whale watching & Top off party
Bears on Ice 2008 Day 2 - Whale watching and Top off party
Pictures by Páll Guðjónsson & Mitchell Winn
Iceland Drag Contest 2008
Drag at the Opera. Gayice pictures from the Drag Queen and King competition at the Icelandic Opera 2008
Pictures by Páll Guðjónsson
PanCup tournament in Copenhagen 2008
The Icelandic gay football team St. Styrmir came second in the 2008 PanCup tournament in Copenhagen.
Pictures from the tournament by Hannes Sverrisson.
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