
Since the Queer Choir was formed on July 27th last year (2011) its choir members have been busy practicing and the choir has performed at various events around town. Hinsegin kórinn, which is the Icelandic name of the choir, was originally formed by a group of friends who happened to like singing (well who doesn´t). For the first few meetings close to 30 people showed up and since then more people have been joining the group. 

Supporting gay rights in Faroe Islands

This summer The Queer Choir (Hinsegin kórinn) is making a little bit of histroy when visiting our neighbours and friends in Faroe Islands. The mission is to participate, perform and support the Faroe Islands Gay Pride, sing the prejudice to the ground as described by one choir member.  By doing so choir members want to show solidarity with the gay cause and support LGBT people in Faroe Islands. Faroe Islands does still not recognize same-sex unions and some sad incidents in the past few years reminds us of the struggle it takes to fight for basic human rights.  In 2006 discrimination became a hot topic after Rasmus Rasmussen, then 25-year-old and openly gay musician and popular radio host, was assaulted by five men in Tórshavn, the capital of Faroe Island.  In 2010 Jenis av Ran, chairman of Faroe Island´s Central Party, caused considrable stir when refusing to attend a formal dinner held in honour of Icelandic (lesbian) prime minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir and her wife on an official visit to Faroe Island.  

Faroe Island´s gay pride is only a few years old and is, as it has been in Iceland, very important in making LGBT people more visible and campaigning for the rights of LGBT people in Faroe Islands.(Picture source above: http://www.dv.is/frettir/2012/1/6/hinsegin-kor-safnar-fyrir-faereyjaferd)

Join and sing

The Queer Choir welcomes everyone to join the group, even if you think you´re not that much of a singer you should try it out, maybe there´s a singing dive to come out. In the end it´s all about a good company and good friendship. If you want to know more about the Queer Choir, events and upcoming concerts visit their fan page on Facebook.  Choir director is Helga Margrét Marzellíusardóttir. Meetings are every Monday night 8. pm at the Queer Center (Samtökin '78) on Laugavegur 3 (4th floor). House opens 7.30. You can also ask to join its Facebook group for more information and to connect with choir members. 


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