
It´s the beginning of August and Reykjavik Gay Pride is just around the corner. We´re all getting pretty excited as Gay Pride is an exciting and fun event which it should be. This year Reykjavik Gay Pride welcomes it´s guests with variety of events including concerts, exhibitions, film documentaries and stand up with British comedienne Zoe Lyons which is on her first visit to Iceland. The Saturday Parade will as always mark the highlight of the festival with thousands of Icelanders and visitors from abroad watching the colorful gay pride parade march downtown and the outdoor pride concert at Arnarhóll outdoor stage.

Gay Pride ticket center

Gay Pride ticket center has opened in IÐA shop on Lækjargata 2 (city center). The ticket center is opened every day from noon to 8 pm. At the ticket center you can buy VIP passes which are valid for all events and with it you get a Gay Pride T-shirt to wear! Pride for regular VIP card is ISK 9.000 but you can also buy VIP Special which includes the Gay Pride Cruise and Golden Circle sight seeing tour.

Visit Reykjavik Gay Pride website for more information and the full event program.