The annual Pink Masquerade Party (February 11th) is definitely something not to be missed if you happen to be in Reykjavik this weekend. Glamour, divas and dance with gay icon Páll Óskar (a.k.a. Paul Oscar) performing as well as the Ice-stralian Jonathan Duffy, Sísí Ey and all the local divas from the Drag-Súgur.
Pink Masquerade Party closes the Winter Pride festival and is guaranteed to be lots and lots of fun. Prize for the best mask/costume! The party is held at Iðnó (by the pond, next to the City Hall). Tickets available at the door and online cost ISK 2.500. ISK 2.000 if you are a member of the Queer Organisation Samtökin '78 Check out Winter Pride Facebook Page for more information. Watch