Gay 46

Complains about noise is just prejudice in disguise says Gay 46 manager Ingi Rafn Hauksson. Gay 46 is currently Reykjavik´s only gay club which opened early February this year. "Since the club opened we´ve had complains from this one person who lives in an apartment building next to the club stating that the club brings too much noise to the neighborhood" said manager Ingi Rafn on local television tonight. "When this was not a gay club the very same person did not complain at all".  

According to manager Ingi Rafn until now the club has been inspected by local authorities without any comments being made. Now, something has changed with this person filing formal complains to the local authorities asking for the club to be closed down. As a result the club is not allowed to have DJ playing music for it´s guests this weekend. What happens next owners are unsure of. The whole thing smells of prejudice says Ingi Rafn. For the rest of us it looks weird and sad.