News from Iceland's LGBT community

Wotever Party

  • Published: 13 October 2016

It's time for another Wotever Iceland party, performance and dance night at Gaukurinn (Tryggvagata 22) 14th oct.  Brave the fall weather to dress up in your favorite rainbow sparkles to feel queer and fabulous with your fellow Wotevers. Free entry and Happy Hour is extended until 22.00 for anyone with a membership card in a LBGTQAI+ organization, local or international.  

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Dates for BEARS ON ICE 2017

  • Published: 12 October 2016

Planning for the BEARS ON ICE 2017 is underway and the dates have been set for August 31st - September 3rd, 2017. Registration is expected to open late February 2017 for the limited number of Full passes. The 2016 Full pass sold out in just a few weeks so those who want to secure Full Event Pass should stay tuned. More information available on BEARS ON ICE webiste and BEARS ON ICE  Facebook Page. BEARS ON ICE is Iceland´s longest run men only event, first run in 2005. The event welcomes bears and friends from all over the world and is a great opportunity to see a little bit of Iceland and Iceland´s gay scene. Check out some of the photos from this year´s event.


  • Published: 25 August 2016

We´re less than a  week away from BEARS ON ICE kicking off. The four day bear weekend starts Thursday September 1st with a Welcome party at Gamla Bíó in Reykjavik´s City Center (Ingólfsstræti 2a). BEARS ON ICE main party (Saturday, September 3rd) will be at Gaukurinn (Tryggvagata 22) with special guests Jonathan Duffy (AUS) to perform as well as DJ Colin Gaff (AUS) & BEARS ON ICE resident DJ Dramatik. Another special guest to perform is Prosumer who is to perform at the Top-Off party Friday night (September 2nd) at Ægisgarður (Eyjaslóð 5). Other activities include a Golden Circle tour and a trip to the world famous geothermal spa Blue lagoon. 

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Reykjavik Pride 2016 has started

  • Published: 02 August 2016

Reykjavik Pride kicks off today for the eighteenth time. The week is packed with variety of queer events and activities including lectures, walking tours, drag show and dances. This year´s Pride theme is “Our History” with number of events focusing on Iceland´s Queer history, battles and achievements. The event's highlight is as always the Saturday Pride Parade and the outdoor Concert at Arnarhóll in the city center where thousands of Icelanders come together to show solidarity with the Queer community.

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Reykjavik Pride 2016

  • Published: 19 June 2016

August is Iceland´s Pride month. Reykjavik Pride, one of Iceland´s largest festival, has been an annual event in Reykjavik since 1999. The event´s history dates back to 1993 when Icelandic gays and lesbians first marched through the city center demanding much wanted freedom, respect and human rights. Pride program is still to be released but according to Eva Maria Þórarinsdóttir, President of Reykjavik Pride, a few new items will be on the list this year including Friday Rainbow Techno party but well over 30 events will be on the menu during pride week which kicks off August 2nd and runs through 7th.

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Prosumer to Perform at BEARS ON ICE 2016

  • Published: 12 March 2016

Achim Brandenburg aka Prosumer will perform at BEARS ON ICE taking place first weekend of September 1-4th, 2016. Prosumer started to built a name for himself in his hometown Saarbruecken, Germany, before relocating to Berlin, but his current home is in Edinburgh, Scotland. In Berlin Prosumer became one of the residents and a house hold name in Berlin´s  most influential clubs.  Since his debut release Newborn in 2004 Prosumer has releases number of singles and remixes and is by many considered one of the most influential DJs and important producers of our days. Prosumer is Connecting tracks and songs of his golden age with present the groove, Prosumer will for sure bring that special magic he´s best known for and make the room rumble.

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