The Hump Day Social is a monthly social event for gay men to meet up. The location changes each month. The hope is to create a positive space for gay men to raise a glass with each other.
Read more ...The Hump Day Social is a monthly social event for gay men to meet up. The location changes each month. The hope is to create a positive space for gay men to raise a glass with each other.
Read more ...The fabulous MISS WHOOP WHOOP, GLORIA HOLE, GÓGÓ STARR & AGATHA P. are back and totally "out of control" is seems as they are throwing a Christmas show in July at Kiki this Saturday.
Read more ...A large number of Icelanders are now vaccinated against Covid19, infections are rare and most restrictions have been lifted. The next months are looking great here in Iceland and the biggest party of them might just be Reykjavík Pride 2021.
The organisers recently announced that Reykjavík Pride will be held on August 3rd – 8th and they "could not be more excited about it!"
Read more ...The Hump Day Social is back and the next event is at Jörgensen on June 16th from 19:00.
"It’s time for a revival, to come out of Covid and meet again. Let’s dust off and get social, celebrating our friendship and new connections over a drink and a chat. Together with Bangsafélagið we welcome you all to the first Hump Day Social of the year. We will meet at Jörgensen on June 16 from 19:00. See you then!"
Read more ...The Annual Pink Party: Masquerade Ball is back February 15th. And as the organizer say: The Pink Party is without a doubt the most glamorous LGBTQI+ event of the season.
Read more ...Join us for The Hump Day Social at Curious tonight. The Bears on Ice event starts tomorrow and early arrivals will also be attending. Curious is offering 2 for the price of 1 on beer and wine. The Hump Day Social is a monthly event for gay men to meet up. The location changes each month. The hope is to create a positive space for gay men to raise a glass with each other.
Read more ...This year Reykjavík Pride parade starts at 2 p.m. sharp and goes from Hallgrímskirkja church, down Skólavörðustígur, Bankastræti, Lækjargata and Fríkirkjuvegur, see map. The parade concludes at Sóleyjargata, near Hljómskálagarður, where an outdoor concert takes place.
Read more ...Little Gay Reykjavík, Queer History and Anecdotes, is a new book and an interesting read by Guðjón Ragnar Jónasson. "Pillars of Desperation and Anticipation,” spiteful queens, gay men in olden days, and outings to a green grove— are some of the subjects covered in Little Gay Reykjavík.
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